If you are a landlord who set up their tenancy with Upad using our Tenant Sign Up Service, we will typically contact you 2 months' prior to the end of your fixed term tenancy via e-mail requesting you to detail your intentions of how you'd like to proceed with the tenancy. This is known as our End of Tenancy service.
Once you have submitted that you wish to end your tenancy and provided us with the date you expect your tenants to move out by, we will then contact you on this date to proceed further in requesting if you would like to make any deductions to the deposit or return the deposit in full. This will be explained in a step-by-step process.
Nonetheless, if you may be ending your tenancy due to a break clause being actions or having served a Section 21, simply contact Upad on 0333 240 1210 where we can start off the End of Tenancy process and detail the further instructions to you so that we can mark the tenancy as ended and return any deposit back to the tenant.