While most tenants will take good care of your property, even the nicest, butter-wouldn’t melt in their mouth tenants might not leave the place exactly as they found it.

This is why it’s a good idea to have an inventory detailing the state of the property and all of its contents.

You don’t have to provide tenants with an inventory; some landlords don’t (which is risky) and some prepare their own (which can take hours). A professional report, compiled by an independent third party, will help to avoid any misunderstanding with tenants and provide solid evidence if you do end up in a legal dispute.

In most cases, without a professional and independent Inventory report should a deposit dispute arise it is unlike you will have a completely successful claim, should you wish to make a deduction to the tenant's deposit for repairs and damages.

You can find out more information about Upad's Inventory services via the links below:

- https://www.upad.co.uk/property-inventories

- https://www.upad.co.uk/hub/how-to-use-upad/which-other-products/should-i-pay-for-a-professional-inventory